World’s Largest Dungeon Event

For the first time we will be running an event in which we bring a community of young people together to create something very unique: The World’s Largest Dungeon!

We are planning to create a massive map of 10m x 10m with a standard 1″ grid. We will then use this dungeon to play a very unique dungeon crawl game at a number of events. Players will be able to sign up and create characters with which they can explore the dungeon as a group. Each group can play as long as the characters survive. Whenever characters die we will place a skull sticker on the last square they were standing on. We are also planning a hall of fame for the characters and various other fun things.

At this event we will focus on creating the artwork for the map as well as the dungeon content (layout, traps and monsters). We will use the World of Discordia rules system for this project (you don’t need to know it in advance, we will show you everything at the event).

Event Date

The event will take place from: May 18th – May 27th 2025 (May 18th is arrival day, May 27th is departure day).

Event Location

We have chosen an inspiring location for the event: We will run the event in the city of Worms in Germany in an old tower called “Nibelungenturm” (Nibelungen Tower). You can see the details here:

Do I need to have any drawing/painting experience?

If you want to join the graphic design team, we expect you to be able to have the appropriate skills and ideally bring a device on which you can do your artwork. However, we also want the participants to learn from each other, so you don’t have to be a professional.

Who can apply?

You should be at least 18 years old and not older than 30. We can only accept participants from the countries listed below:


We have only opened the application for these 3 countries, however, if you are interested and come from another country, feel free to contact us! We will probably add 2 more countries to this list if we see enough interest from that country.

All applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the coordination team. The best applications will be chosen and both the accepted and rejected applicants will be notified.

We aim for closing the first round of applications by February 15th and you will be notified no later than February 18th.

What about accommodation and food?

We will stay inside the tower where we have beds and a kitchen at our disposal. We will cook our own meals as a group.

What about sightseeing and resting?

During the event we will spend some time outside, visiting locations that can inspire us. We expect you to be present and on time at all workshops but you will have plenty of free time (however, you are responsible for getting enough sleep!). We will also have a free afternoon which you can use to explore the surrounding on your own or to rest and recover.

Included in the event are:

  • Flights from your home country and an airport in your area (might not be the closest one since we need to take cheap flights for everyone to stay within the budget)
  • Accommodation in Germany
  • Food and drinks
  • Entry fees for places we visit together
  • Travels within Germany

Event Fee:

  • 40 Euros for Dragon Legion Members
  • 50 Euros for non-members


The event is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union that supports intercultural exchange of young people. This allows us to cover most parts of the travel costs and accommodation costs for the participants.

Why does the event have a fee if it gets funding?

We have a very tight budget and we would love to pay for everyone but we simply can’t. With the fees of 40 € / 50 € we can pay for the budget overrun so that we don’t end up paying extra for the event. We think this is a good price for a week of creating fantasy art together and learning about becoming an artist, including food, accommodation, materials and travel. If you cannot afford the fee but still want to participate please give a statement about it in your application. We know there are bad situations in some countries right now and we want to make sure that everyone has the chance to be part of this event, so we decided to have 1-2 slots for free for those who really need them. Please don’t abuse this. We cover the travel costs for the flight, the travel from the airport to our location, lodging, food and drinks and any group activities. You just need to take care of your travel to the airport in your home country.

Who is organizing the event?

The people behind this event are active members of the Dragon Legion, young people who are interested in cultural exchange, creating innovative events, and role-playing games. We are all volunteers who organize this in our free time.

Will there be more events of this type?

We certainly hope so. e have been trying out new types of events and this is the first time we are running an art event. We are currently working on different plans. If you are from a country that is not eligible at the moment you could get in touch with us and help us open up the next event for your country as well. Contact email: info [at]

Need more information?

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Just send us an email: info [at] Once we received and checked your application you will get a confirmation email. You can submit your application below.

We need to ask you for your personal data in order to present statistics to the EU which funds the youth exchange. We will only use your data for anonymous statistics, we won't give it to anyone else. We need your email in order to contact you. Please be aware that we have a limited number of slots (up to 35) and we might have to reject you if there are too many applications. You will get an invitation or a rejection email before the end of August.

Apply Online

Personal Information
Please provide your first name as written in your ID!
Please provide your last name as written in your ID!
Please indicate your gender.
tell us your date of birth.
which country do you live in?
If you like you can share your Discord handle with us.
Please provide your full address
General Information
Please tell us a little about yourself
Give us a good reason why we should take you.
Please tell us which languages you speak.
Sometimes it is helpful for us to rent cars to get everyone to the destination.
Please tell us which skills you have that are beneficial for this project.
Please let us know how you heard about this event / the Dragon Legion
Event Information
We need to know special requirements in order to make this event work for you.
Please check all goes that apply to you.

Fields with (*) are compulsory.